Finds Refuge in Joomla! was one among those sites by Drupal which was outdated and scavenged by malicious attacks, and effortlessly hacked every week. Tired of being a pushover turned towards Joomla! Developers to transform the site’s platform to a more flexible and stable premise.
Merits of Drupal and Updates on Drupal Camps
Drupal is developed into one of the most complex open-source content management systems (CMS) on the market and is represented by an array of top notch sites. Drupal is the perfect choice for large Enterprise websites that has high traffic.
Added Up Mobile Features of Magento Enterprise 1.12 and Community 1.7
Magento and its team were pleased to announce the release of two of its best offerings Magento Enterprise 1.12 and Community 1.7. After this announcement the various key features of these releases were also discussed by Magento and its team of Magento developers and Magento programmers.
Joomla Programmer Expertise for Business on the Web
Joomla is an award-winning open source content management system (CMS) to build powerful online applications. The Joomla content management system provides excellent navigation along with superior CMS features.
Ruby on Rails for Web and Mobile Applications
Rapid development of powerful business applications with impressive user interface. Ruby on Rails, RoR and Rails are sometimes used interchangeably.
Monday, 30 July 2012
Joomla 3: A Paradigm Shift
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Development Tools and their Functions of Adobe Flex
- Adobe Flex builder project compiler. The Flex Builder Project compiler is opened for Flex programmers by Flex Builder for library projects in Flex.
- mxmlc command-line compiler. Flex developers can open the mxmlc command-line compiler from the command to create a SWF file that can be deployed to a website by the Flex programmers.
- Web-Tier Compiler. The Flex module for Apache and IIS compiler provides web-tier compilation of MXML files on Apache and IIS web servers for the Flex developers. This enables the Flex programmers to effortlessly and quickly compile, deploy and test your applications. Flex developers can simply refresh the MXML files in their browsers instead of compiling the MXML file into a SWF file and then deploying it and its wrapper files directly to the web servers.
- Flex Builder library project compiler. The Flex Builder component compiler is opened by Flex Builder for Flex library projects.
- compc command-line compiler. You open the compc compiler from the command line to create SWC files. You can use these SWC files as static component libraries, themes, or runtime shared libraries (RSLs).
- Flex Builder Debugger – This aspect of debugging from Flex provide the Flex programmers all the efficient tools expected from a robust and a competent development tool.
- The fdb command-line debugger – The fdb uses the technique of command-line debugging where the Flex developers and Flex programmers can step into the code, and analyze and debug the application.
- AIR Debug Launcher (ADL) - ADL is a command line debugger for Adobe® AIR™ applications that you can use outside of Flex Builder.
- These are tools should be analyzed and understood by all Flex programmers before they start developing any kind of environment using Flex.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Efficient Features of Ruby on Rails
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Consistent and Efficient iPhone Applications Development
- The functionality of application built by an iPhone app programmer must be apparently evident and the end users must find it accessible.
- Cues are provided to users by the standard interface components itself.
- iPhone app developers should not overestimate the amount of time the users are willing to spend on the application they have built.