Finds Refuge in Joomla! was one among those sites by Drupal which was outdated and scavenged by malicious attacks, and effortlessly hacked every week. Tired of being a pushover turned towards Joomla! Developers to transform the site’s platform to a more flexible and stable premise.

Merits of Drupal and Updates on Drupal Camps

Drupal is developed into one of the most complex open-source content management systems (CMS) on the market and is represented by an array of top notch sites. Drupal is the perfect choice for large Enterprise websites that has high traffic.

Added Up Mobile Features of Magento Enterprise 1.12 and Community 1.7

Magento and its team were pleased to announce the release of two of its best offerings Magento Enterprise 1.12 and Community 1.7. After this announcement the various key features of these releases were also discussed by Magento and its team of Magento developers and Magento programmers.

Joomla Programmer Expertise for Business on the Web

Joomla is an award-winning open source content management system (CMS) to build powerful online applications. The Joomla content management system provides excellent navigation along with superior CMS features.

Ruby on Rails for Web and Mobile Applications

Rapid development of powerful business applications with impressive user interface. Ruby on Rails, RoR and Rails are sometimes used interchangeably.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

PHP Development Made Simple with Efficient Tools and Extensions

PHP is the first word that comes into the mind of developers when discussed about web designing. Web designing has become one of the fast growing arenas in the IT sector as internet has reached around a billion people today.

Even newbie developers can download the PHP for free as it is an open source technology and the process of development can also be done by the PHP developers at a very low cost. The PHPMyAdmin which is available with the kit that can be downloaded for free is compatible with most popular databases such as SQL 2.0, SQL etc.

Developing web portals which can be fast, dynamic and secure can be done efficiently and in a quicker way by using the PHP platform. Cakephp developers can use the framework to develop projects which can be customized in a far efficient way and this type of development also fastens the process of web designing. The web designing process of PHP is highly simplistic which has revolutionized the way web development was done and it has been highly acclaimed for its features by most PHP programmers.

The language can be easily understood by trainees who have just started working on the technology. This is due to its design and interface which is highly straightforward enabling developers with least understanding of programming to grasp the structure and working of the language. The projects which are developed using PHP can also be secured from attacks and malicious entities by using the security functions which are provided by the platform by default. The PHP developer working on a project in need of security features may find external extensions for the project but the features presented by the platform itself are more than enough.

The structure of coding in PHP is designed in such a way that it can be segregated into modules and this modular structure enables in enhancing efficiency of the changes that are made even if it is a Zend framework developer. Huge web portals can be developed in a time comparatively lesser than while using other technologies can be done by Zend framework programmers. Other popular framework developers such as Joomla, Drupal also use the PHP language but the scopes which can be attained using such frameworks differ from project to project. Drupal framework is normally used for online businesses to take their products and services to the users and while using such frameworks and developing extensive websites the potential for the businesses using them also get enhanced.

The development resources which are available in PHP platform are huge such as blogs, forums and freeware scripts help the developer to perform complicated tasks in a very simplified way. And such advantages provided by php are the main aspects making it such a successful platform for developing web based developments.

Versatile Aspects of iPhone Intrigue Developers’ Creativity

Ever since the release of the new iPhone 5 in the later part of the year 2012 the speculations surrounding it about its specifications and features have been growing. Even before its release itself the speculations were very high and it is just reasonable for the hype to grow with the phone getting shipped in record numbers. 

As millions of users are handling the iPhone device today the necessity of developing applications has also increased. With such a huge demand raising the iPhone app developers are working keenly to provide for the demand efficiently. It is a well known fact that only applications which are of standard get recognized by the people and the ones of substandard quality fail. Thus the process of development is looked upon carefully by the iPhone app programmers so that it is done without any flaws.

The iPhone games are one of the most used categories in the App Store and the development of such games has also become a huge industry where individual iPhone game builders as well as companies developing iPhone applications. With the growing technological advancements and faster internet in mobile devices GPS has become an integral part for the mobile device. Every iPhone app developer is looking to integrate navigational aspects for the application that can enhance the usability of the applications.

Social networking sites have increased their user base by releasing applications for mobile devices such as iOS and Android. This has become one of the applications which have been used in huge numbers. Social Networking sites get feed updates every minute and these applications can be used all throughout the day with an internet connection in the mobile device. These are some of the aspects of the device which iPhone app developers are looking keenly to utilize these days.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Events Catalyze Understanding of Updates made by Magento

The flexibility and control businesses can avail in the online platform using the Magento platform is very high. The cost involved in setting up and running an application using Magento is very less as the platform itself is open source and not much of any additional costs are involved.

The only costs which are involved that has to be taken care of the Magento commerce developers are the costs of website registration, extension which might be needed for the project, and for customizing the theme which is required. A web store which is built by a Magento developer can avail a myriad of options which can be highly helpful to the users such as catalogs displaying the products and services provided by the store, and other payment options too. 

Websites can provide extra features for customers registered with the website. When such perks are provided to users the popularity of the website also increases as it invites more and more users as get converted into potential customers. Magento programmers can utilize the Expert Consulting Group (ECG) to discuss and know more about the recent updates that are happening in the Magento commerce programmers’ side. 

The webinars being conducted by the Magento team has been well received by the audience as more than 100 people had attended it and the interactive session was crowded with queries and questions. With such a huge turnout the huge community of Magento developers is evident that the developments being made in the technological side of Magento is being understood by the entire community.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Simple Options Provided by Drupal Enable Sophisticated Functions

The content management system Drupal is also an open source technology which is written in the PHP language. This platform is easily accessible to most developers and businesses in need of an online base.

The key factors available for the Drupal developers are highly sufficient for a webmaster to analyze and comprehend a website according to the growing trends. Users using a website which is developed by a Drupal developer has advanced features such user registering, maintenance of website, RSS Feed provision, administrating the entire system, and page layout customization. These features are very vital when a huge site is moderated by a single administrator. When small perks are provided to the users after they get registered with the website it encourages the users to become more active in the website.

The above features are sufficient for a business to avail a website which is basic in its form whereas to create a dynamic website the Drupal programmer might have to incorporate specialized plug-ins with the project. The efficient tools and templates present in the Drupal platform enable the process of project development to be done in a segregated way and these divisions are known as modules. By developing the projects in this way adding content and constraints can be done rapidly as the modules can be developed individually. This reduces the time every Drupal programmer invests in developing the whole project and then finding the changes and bugs in each and every corner of the development.

Dynamic designs are one of the most significant aspects of Drupal development. The templates which are offered by the platform can be chosen to bring out attractive designs to the website through which content can be displayed in an appealing way to the users. This aspect too plays a vital role in sustaining the overall activity in the website as boring content is always a setback for the website. If a business needs to thrive in this tough competition the attractiveness of the website has to be concentrated on keenly. 

These kinds of projects also enable the option of letting the users to contribute content to the website. But this kind of process needs intricate moderation as each and every update of content needs to get approved by the site’s admin and only after this is done the content that has be created by the user will get updated in the website. Certain tools in Drupal help the Drupal developers to connect with the audience of the internet in a faster way. Tools such as network integration, Search Engine optimization and automated feeds make the process of marketing a much more simpler and effective way bringing the website to its target audience.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Various Factors Catalyzing Business Development through Social Gaming

With the exponential increase in the technological advancements the competitions between businesses have increased three fold and it has become vital for each and every business venture to sustain them on the web market.

DCKAP has been competently providing such platforms to businesses which make them sustain in the web field. The Magento developers provide components to these businesses which help in setting up resourceful and scalable online stores enhancing the efficiency of e-commerce of these businesses. Magento programmers use modules to develop their projects as integrating these individual modules after completing each and every module.

These modules have their own tasks and executions and when all these modules are integrated together by a Magento programmer it becomes a complete project. The enhancements provided in Magento enable the merchants to showcase their stores with objects such as carts, payment options etc in an easier way so that the customers finish their process of purchasing in a very quick span of time.

The scalability, flexibility and reliability of the platform provide the project developed to be imperative to the growth of the business. The process of integration can be done by a Magento developer and another advantage Magento provides its users is that the merchants and administrators of the web store need not completely depend upon the developers and programmers for each and every change they need to do. And in case of an online store the changes which might be need to be made could be a hundred every day.

Magento component development is a very integral part of a project each and every Magento ecommerce developer does. And the above are the advantages which are being discussed by developers from various parts of the world.