JomSocial is the top open source social networking software for online business collaboration. Jomsocial experts can now elevate your site to a new level of creativity and functionality, with flexible templates from JomSocial social networking software. Today, expert jomsocial developers are good in what they do, so you can expect the best quality from them.
JomSocial networking sites are a fun way of online relationships and networking within the community.
JomSocial developer makes it easier for you to install joomla social networking on your site. JomSocial developers design your web application on the joomla social engine that is built from ground up and comes with many features out of the box. JomSocial programmers can easily enable social networking to collaborate with your community with features such as activity streams, flexible templates and designs, photo gallery, video support, organic groups, event management, social graph management, customized profiles, private messaging, integration with external social networks and many more. JomSocial is the top open source social networking software for online business collaboration.
JomSocial applications are More fun than Facebook
Creating a fan page on Facebook alone is not enough for your business community, with the same color set, design and functions always. Jomsocial experts can now elevate your site to a new level of creativity and functionality, with flexible templates from JomSocial social networking software.
JomSocial is supported by a huge community of expert jomsocial developers, jomsocial programmers and jomsocial experts. They are good in what they do so you can expect top quality templates from them.
Any Joomla template can work with JomSocial. Moreover, JomSocial Professional comes with 4 professionally designed templates that will suit most of available Joomla templates.
The jomsocial template system is highly configurable: changing the JomSocial look to your own liking can be done easily by expert joomla developers and joomla programmer.
Experienced jomsocial developers with PHP knowledge easily work with JomSocial templates to customize them for any business.
We all love Facebook and Twitter
Jomsocial online business collaboration is the surefire way to grow your business.
Skilled jomsocial developers can easily leverage user bases and experiences from external social networking sites and tools for your community. Third party social networks like Facebook have exposed their APIs, so that a jomsocial developer can integrate them into your community site.
To make the registration process hassle-free, the developers of jomsocial included new Facebook-Connect login-module in the open source social networking software, so your members can log-in to your JomSocial-powered community using their Facebook account credentials. Adding this to your community site can improve signup rates immediately.
Profile pictures, status updates and more are pulled in safely and securely from Facebook, making it easy for new and existing users to sign up and stay logged into your community.
Blogs are a good way to keep new visitors coming back to your site for more. Your members in JomSocial can have their own blogs, post entries directly from their profile pages and share them with friends via JomSocial integration.
Blog posts by members will show up in the Activity Stream of your community. There is support included for JomSocial Avatar and members can accumulate user points every time they post a blog.
Members can also take Twitter inside JomSocial. They can post status updates in JomSocial to Twitter with the Twitter App for JomSocial. They can also retrieve Twitter timeline on their profile page and show how many followers they have.
Jomsocial experts are working for you: To make your site fast, safe and secure
JomSocial, the Joomla Social Engine, is built on top of the powerful open source platform Joomla that is extremely scalable for small communities such as a startup company, hobby sites and church sites to enterprise-class websites that need a power-packed social engine to drive sales and conversions. Yet, JomSocial is extremely safe and secure because of its strong Joomla open source platform.
It does not matter how big or small your server is – JomSocial is designed to extract the best performance from it and put it to good use. If your community relies heavily on videos and photos, the Amazon S3 integration will provide the needed extra muscle. Amazon S3 will keep your site performing at its best, at a lower price with reliable service.
Having your site on Joomla is as good as having hundreds of experts constantly watching over the security of your site. Even the most obscure vulnerability will get noticed and covered. JomSocial is developed under the same environment, so it is constantly kept up to date on the best practices in secure web applications development.
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