Finds Refuge in Joomla! was one among those sites by Drupal which was outdated and scavenged by malicious attacks, and effortlessly hacked every week. Tired of being a pushover turned towards Joomla! Developers to transform the site’s platform to a more flexible and stable premise.

Merits of Drupal and Updates on Drupal Camps

Drupal is developed into one of the most complex open-source content management systems (CMS) on the market and is represented by an array of top notch sites. Drupal is the perfect choice for large Enterprise websites that has high traffic.

Added Up Mobile Features of Magento Enterprise 1.12 and Community 1.7

Magento and its team were pleased to announce the release of two of its best offerings Magento Enterprise 1.12 and Community 1.7. After this announcement the various key features of these releases were also discussed by Magento and its team of Magento developers and Magento programmers.

Joomla Programmer Expertise for Business on the Web

Joomla is an award-winning open source content management system (CMS) to build powerful online applications. The Joomla content management system provides excellent navigation along with superior CMS features.

Ruby on Rails for Web and Mobile Applications

Rapid development of powerful business applications with impressive user interface. Ruby on Rails, RoR and Rails are sometimes used interchangeably.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Ruby on Rails Developer expertise for Business on Web

Fremont based global technology Services Company DCKAP announced today a proactive development initiative in Ruby on Rails technology for business, keeping pace with surging market growth.

Ruby on Rails, developed by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2003, is an Open-Source web framework built using Ruby. The main goal was to enable developers to rapidly develop web applications backed by SQL databases. Nearly 8 years later, Ruby on Rails has built itself a niche in the IT development world.

January 20, 2012, Rails 3.2 was released. The major improvements were the speed of resolving routes was improved. For the ease of development, Rails 3.2.3 had allowed any field to be set in a mass assignment action in a database record and then left it to the developer to lock down the application. Ruby on Rails introductions are intuitive and enable the creation of applications that demand user attention and can be easily integrated into Web applications to make them highly interactive. With creativity and professionalism of the Ruby on Rails developer, businesses will derive maximum return on investment. Ruby on Rails developers, use Ruby on Rails as a versatile tool to create highly interactive Web applications.

DCKAP’s experienced Ruby on Rails team, tuned in to the latest web technologies and aesthetics, with a broad palette of agile practices, help client projects succeed.  DCKAP has helped its customers build numerous applications using Rails from the tiniest part-time operations to the biggest companies.  DCKAP’s ROR experts both Onsite and Offshore have ample industrial expertise to develop seamless and cost effective web applications. 


DCKAP ( is a Fremont, CA based global technology Services Company delivering technology driven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of the clients. Founded in 2005, with offices in California & Colorado, USA, the UK, Australia and three development centers in India, DCKAP has earned appreciation from well respected Fortune 100 companies for its competent services

Magento’s Updates and the 4 Million Mark

Fremont, CA 26th April, 2012 – DCKAP an active acquaintance with Magento which has been providing various Ecommerce services has announced its escalation in the collaboration with Magento as it advances with the new Magento Enterprise 1.12 and Community 1.7. As Magento marked its 4 Millionth download earlier this year, it proudly engraved its name in the Hall of Fame for one of the most used open source ecommerce web application. 

DCKAP is one of the early firms to embrace these upgrades by Magento as they are considered to be vital and indispensable improvements. As millions of businesses are flocking Technology services like DCKAP which is a marveling firm, it is only wise for them to boost their effectiveness in their services. DCKAP has an experienced and trained team of Magento eCommerce developers, both onsite and offshore. Design services specializing in custom Magento development from Magento programmers, Magento programmer, Magento developers, Magento developer, Magento commerce developer, Magento commerce developers, Magento commerce programmer, Magento commerce programmers.

Upgrades and Enhancements

The new version of Magento is said to have satisfied majority of pending queries and requests for additional features which have been suggested by its customers and clients for some time now. 

Basic factors such as support for custom currency symbols have been addressed in its release notes but Magento Team mentions that such requests can be only looked upon with respect to the forum discussions as small queries in the forums often go unnoticed if they are not experienced by a faction which is in plain sight.

Inclusion of captcha codes in certain forms has been highlighted as a security enhancement as well as upturn which will sweep away spam and unwanted bots. Customers who have been finding the base prices diverse from their purpose are assured that each customer will be placed in a group with respect to their requirements and aspects, and base prices will be assigned accordingly.

Due to increasing magnitudes of data and inconsistencies arising due to that, Magento has manifested the already existing feature of Backup and Rollback in with new exalts.  With globally spanning markets the new VAT ID validation for B2B sales in Europe has licensed all markets utilizing Magento to trade with ease.

DCKAP’s plunge into mobile applications is no strange affair to Magento too. As all fields of technology are falling into hands of personal users with their mobile phones it is an obvious development that Magento jumps into the Mobile platform. The new HTML5 based theme for mobile devices has moved towards an elegant and legible platform which tends to have simple GUI’s.

Though there are numerous eCommerce Platforms available Magento still holds the place for the most reliable and to grasp such a position and to hold to it needs immense team insight and proficiency. For any trade or business procedures the efficiency of accomplishment relies significantly on choosing the apt resource for developing and providing specifications and requirements comprehensibly.


For Web development and web application development, increasingly open source software is used along with impressive user interface for rapid development of business applications. The performance level of Ruby on Rails has reached higher norms. Ruby on Rails is a fully developed web framework that allows a programmer to create a fully functional application on a single program. A Ruby on Rails Development Company provides services including:

           Ruby on Rails Installation
           Ruby on Rails technology solutions
           Ruby on Rails Upgrades
           Complete Ruby on Rails application deployment
           Ruby on Rails CMS (Rails Content Management System)
           Ruby on Rails Customization to business needs
           Ruby on Rails Maintenance
           Ruby on Rails Consultation
           Performance tuning and scaling

            Every ruby on rails developer wants to speed up the development process and reduce the errors. Rails provide a fast and easy development environment with quality results. With Ruby programming language, ruby on rails programmer need to write fewer lines of code compared to other programming languages to reach the same result.

January 20, 2012, Rails 3.2 was released. The major improvements were the speed of resolving routes was improved. A rail 3.2 deprecates plugins which Rails 4.0 will remove them completely. Rails 3.2.3 was released March 31, 2012 with improved protection from mass assignment vulnerabilities.

For the ease of development, Rails 3.2.3 had allowed any field to be set in a mass assignment action in a database record and then left it to the developer to lock down the application. The change in Rails 3.2.3 now forces developers to white list fields for mass assignment by flipping the config.active_record. Whitelist_attributes property to true by default. This change affects new applications and ruby on rails developers must make sure their existing Rails applications for mass assignment vulnerabilities or to set the config.active_record.whitelist_attributes property to true in their applications.
There is another option featured in 3.2.3 release, it is to change to how authenticity_tokens are handled when doing remote forms, and an update to rack-cache while fixing a cookie leak. Other changes include a find_or_create_by_{attribute} dynamic method added, attribute_present fixed to return false for empty strings, a number of corrected regressions and other bug fixes – details of which can be found in the announcement and in the comparison between 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. Rails can be updated using "gem install rails" at the command line. The web application framework Ruby on Rails has been updated to fix two important security issues and several other bugs. 

The two cross-site scripting issues that were fixed allow attackers to take advantage of improperly sanitized options tag fields and direct manipulation of a safe buffer to execute arbitrary HTML in the browser of users visiting a Rails site. The Rails 3.2.2 update also includes fixes which ensure log files are always flushed and that failing tests will exit with non-zero status codes. It also removes calls to some deprecated methods and includes various Ruby 2.0 compatibility fixes.


Fremont, CA Dec. 08, 2011 - Fremont based global technology services company DCKAP announced today it has up-shifted its Drupal development service keeping in pace with surging market growth.

Drupal is a widely used content management system (CMS) well suited for web applications of any kind from web logs (blogs) and micro sites to collaborative social communities. The versatile platform for Drupal development now comes with a new user interface, accessibility improvements, powerful image handling capabilities, support for rich content metadata, security features, scalability and database interoperability enhancements and automated tests to ensure stability. Drupal 7, the advanced version of Drupal, has features like Better HTML5, Better mobile support, Improved multilingual features, Setting up Drupal 7 on a modern web development framework. Drupal experts can build the most effective and customized business web applications.

DCKAP Drupal developer team has successfully completed and delivered a diverse range of Drupal 7 web applications for various clients’ business. DCKAP’s Drupal programmers now work from the new fully equipped development center and also on client site as required.
Drupal 7 Supports RDFa the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation for embedding XHTML metadata within documents as a technological building block for the semantic web, Updated error, security and testing frameworks with over 30,000 automated tests. Drupal7 now boasts advanced caching, master/slave replication. Administrators and editors now have updated WYSIWIG editor and Admin panels. Developers now have the Content Construction Kit (CCK) as a part of Drupal 7.

Drupal is an excellent choice of a Content management system for any business site. A Drupal site built by an expert Drupal programmer can easily grow and expand to suit the needs of any business as the business expands. It gives the business owner complete control over content on the site.

Developing effective business applications requires specialized expertise in the technologies. For a business considering contracting a Drupal development company or a Drupal Expert/ Drupal Programmer, it would be of great significance to select the right Drupal developer resources and setting out the specifications with clarity and completeness.

Joomla! Conquers New Horizons

It is time you jumped to one of the most user-friendly and rapidly evolving content management system which makes tasks exponentially simpler. The new version of Joomla! which has been released with further new revamps which has become even more user friendly and it has been paced out into the future like a bullet out of a barrel. Out of the infinite advantages of using Joomla! certainly some could be pointed out. The foremost factor which has made thousands of web developers to prefer Joomla! is its platform and environment versatility. Moreover it also enables a multi-user environment which helps the joomla developer to split a single project into multiple modules and each team can handle a single module. This approach rapidly fastens the pace of the project development phase, now there is at least another pair of eyes to share the round the clock agony. 

No More Update Hassles 

Joomla! has updated its update manager which is a component as vigorous as it was promised to be. Developers all around the globe have started accessing it and the reviews have been exceeding expectations till date. This component can be accessed from administrator end and unlike the last update manager this opens in a new Joomla! Update Component instead of just a new tab. Glitches caused due to hosts which do not allow directly writing to files during installation files can be done by writing to files using FTP. This move has been much appreciated by joomla developers even though it is a tad slower than directly writing to files. The process of updating has been made very flexible and according to the requirements of the user options can be chosen. If you are a very observant user then custom settings according to your need can be validated.

Joomla! Joins Hands with Google

We all already know how big a cap Joomla! is wearing to accommodate all the feathers in it and yet Joomla! has another feather in its cap. Joomla! has become a part of the Google Summer of Code which is a worldwide opportunity for students and freelancers to write code for various Open Source projects. By being a part of GSoC, Joomla! intends to develop various projects for the benefit of all mankind. Joomla! intends to mentor and develop fresh developers through this project as this project is tied up with Google the inspiration it provides knows no bound. This opportunity for young joomla developers and joomla programmers  will help them work in a pitch which is related to them to the marrow than to work without the hard disk in your head.
Internationalizing Trends
Joomla! has always been rebellious for the greater good and one barrier it has been fighting against relentlessly has been the language barrier. With its latest release of the program it has nuked the barrier like a hero. Out of a score of new features Joomla! is too proud about one of them and that is the addition of the multilingual function. By hammering this obstacle Joomla! now believes that the internationalization of websites, developers, users etc has become many times simpler. To promote this and make people aware of such an indispensible option, Joomla! conducted a webinar which was a huge success. 

One Touch Mobile Finesse
With all these day-to-day innovations still Joomla! has not quenched its thirst for development and honestly we all know that it never will too. The next horizon it is working like a bee to conquer is the mobile platform. To augment the increasing use of internet via mobile devices and to enhance the effectiveness of such a powerful platform Joomla! team has been revamping both the admin and the user areas. 

 Using the Twitter Bootstrap, which is a very simple yet elaborate front-end toolkit used for designing websites and applications, Joomla? Plans on making one of the most effortless and elegant applications for designing. 

The above image shows the first look of Joomla! for Mobile and it is just a teaser snapshot of the product which is going to be released this September. 

Aiming to create a mobile-ready experience the Joomla! Team has implemented many techniques such as JUX (Joomla! User Experience) so that potential users of the application can come forward and voice their opinions on the working of the application which still is not even in the BETA stage. 

Though there have been numerous updates recently in Joomla! the number never seems to come down which shows signs of extreme escalation.