Sunday, 22 April 2012

An Overview On Joomla CMS

In today’s world, online has become one of the predominant places for businesses to be carried on.  A professional and user-friendly website is the key tool for the development of any online business.

For creating an inimitable and comprehensible website, one can utilize Joomla, a tool for content management. Structuring a website or blog with Joomla is an uncomplicated process. Installation and setting up of Joomla is as simple as that. It is created in such a way that people with any skill level can comprehend Joomla programmers and start working on it. 

Joomla application is found to be beneficial for both large scale and small scale businesses.  Managing the website contents is the chief function of Joomla tool. It is identified to be the best open source initiator for content management. With PHP and MySQL as its pedestal, Joomla is able to provide excellent and innovative solutions to business needs. With the aid of Joomla, it is possible to create web directories, corporate websites, community portals, picture galleries, intranets and a lot more.

Based upon the abilities and functionalities, some Joomla extensions attain popularity. JoomSEF, Xmap, community builder, JCE Editor, JomSocial, Virtuemart, and Slide show Pro module are some of the popular Joomla extensions. Those who are looking for advanced editing features can go for JCE editor. This extension will help you to manage fonts, smilies, conveniently load images and a lot more. Those who are looking for the features of Ajax email, additional profile fields and workflow management can choose community builder. Some websites will have the need of slideshows. By installing Slide show Pro module, it is possible to create any type of slide shows on a website. Likewise, Virtuemart extension will be suitable for Ecommerce websites. Therefore, Joomla extension has to be chosen according to the business type and requirement.

Securing your Joomla portal from hackers is imperative.  Apposite hosting environment, strong password, appropriate files permission, administrator username change after installation, backup set up and default database prefix change are some of the ways to protect your Joomla site. Joomla has numerous extensions. But it is not so that one has to install and explore all the available extensions of Joomla. Doing so may make you a victim of cyber hackers. So, ensure that the Joomla extension you choose is reliable, popular and also it has to be from a trustworthy source.

The way a website is designed helps in increasing traffic rate. The look and feel of a website has to be very impressive. The template of a website can make the magic of grabbing the attention of people. It is also possible to create customized Joomla templates for a website with the backing of Joomla developers.  With an efficient and expertise Joomla programmers it is possible to come out with a website that provides best experience for the users which in turn will make them recurring visitors. Only a skilled Joomla designer will be able to install a best application that suits your business. Hence, a website installed with appropriate Joomla application will function efficiently resulting with increased revenue in business.


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