Monday, 14 May 2012

Magento Developer Certification and its Enormities

Day 2 of Imagine 2012 had various Key points discussed and the level of excitement was as high as the sky. One of the most important as well as intriguing points that was discussed was about the four thousand downloads of the Magento Developer Certification Study Guide. This developer certification was introduced in ‘Innovate’ last year and the rate at which it has been popularized amongst Magento developers and Magento programmers seems brisk and steady.

The Innovate Developer’s Conference which was held in October last year was an answer to thousands of queries from Magento developers. The Magento Developer Certification was a path that was paved for the Magento programmers to establish their credentials and market their expertise to the day-by-day growing society of Magento merchants and Solutions partners.

First Beta Test

Magento developers and Magento programmers were felicitated with the Magento Developer Certification for the first ever time after they took a beta version of the test. Magento Developer Certification is the gold standard for credibility among Magento developers, partners and merchants.

Introduction to Magento Developer Certification

The Magento Developer Certification is a Magento sponsored certificate presented to Magento programmers with real world experience in Magento and its extensive implementations. This test is developed, analyzed, framed and evaluated by Magento gurus. Apart from them there are Magento experts from all over the world contributing consistently to enhance the upcoming generation of Magento developers. Evaluations are done customarily considering various factors. The test is developed under rigorous industrial standards and the methodologies for exam development. Such intricate implications are the factors which has given the Certificate its merit.

Great News for Magento Developers

Self-enhancement of Individual Developers

The degree of importance of this Magento Development Certification has been spread already without much said about it as the already existing Magento developers understand its importance and know about its advantages, but the upcoming Magento developers have to be informed.

With the Magento Developer Certificate each developer will be recognized for their Magento skills. With such a recognized certificate the credibility enhances amongst peers and the network in which the developer belongs.

As the field of eCommerce is rapidly spreading its functions, the demand for Magento developers is also increasing exponentially and looking at the swarm of Magento developers and programmers it is evident that there is no dearth for them. Thus with the merit of the Magento Developer Certificate the developer will wholly look exclusive amongst the completion which is heavy.

When an agency is recruiting Magento developers it will obviously look for credentials supporting the candidates proficiency in the Magento platform and when there are two candidates one with the certificate and the other without, it is just reasonable for the recruiters to decide on the candidate with the Magento Developer Certificate and even if both the candidates are chosen the candidate with the certificate will have more value compared with the other and the income will also be better.

Though the developer could be highly proficient in Magento but the fact of learning something new during the preparation for the test cannot be denied by any. And more than the certificate itself Magento enables the developer with the certificate to promote their credentials via use of the Magento Certified Developer logo on their CV or Résumé.

Reduced Effort for Hiring Managers and Solution Partners

The managers looking for and recruiting Magento developers can have an easier time doing their jobs as the process of identifying qualified and efficient developers becomes very simple. All they have to do is look for candidates with the Magento Developer Certificate with the candidate. This reduces the number of rounds of interviews the managers have to conduct to filter candidates with inadequate proficiencies. And Managers hiring Magento partners can evaluate the team with the Magento Certificate and its credentials.

Solutions partners looking for agencies to send their team can rightfully pronounce their teams’ capabilities and efficiencies as they have certifications to vouch for it. It becomes simpler for the them to showcase their talents which in the alternate case would be a process which is long and tedious.

It is no wonder that there have been immense developments in the field of Magento and its subordinates in the last half year. The number of Magento developers opting for the test and obtaining the certificate has increased which has not lowered the eminence of the certificate but has improved the quality of the Magento programmer.


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