Finds Refuge in Joomla! was one among those sites by Drupal which was outdated and scavenged by malicious attacks, and effortlessly hacked every week. Tired of being a pushover turned towards Joomla! Developers to transform the site’s platform to a more flexible and stable premise.

Merits of Drupal and Updates on Drupal Camps

Drupal is developed into one of the most complex open-source content management systems (CMS) on the market and is represented by an array of top notch sites. Drupal is the perfect choice for large Enterprise websites that has high traffic.

Added Up Mobile Features of Magento Enterprise 1.12 and Community 1.7

Magento and its team were pleased to announce the release of two of its best offerings Magento Enterprise 1.12 and Community 1.7. After this announcement the various key features of these releases were also discussed by Magento and its team of Magento developers and Magento programmers.

Joomla Programmer Expertise for Business on the Web

Joomla is an award-winning open source content management system (CMS) to build powerful online applications. The Joomla content management system provides excellent navigation along with superior CMS features.

Ruby on Rails for Web and Mobile Applications

Rapid development of powerful business applications with impressive user interface. Ruby on Rails, RoR and Rails are sometimes used interchangeably.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Various Factors Enhancing Ruby on Rails Development

Ruby on Rails programmers have been claiming that it is one of the most important technologies that have been introduced in the past decade as an open source web development framework. The following points elaborate on the advantages of using Ruby on Rails.

One of the most important advantages of Ruby on Rails is that the Ruby on Rails developers need not use the extensive libraries which need to be used when the developer develop the same project in a different technology. This is mainly due to the fact that Ruby on Rails uses the self-provided entities during the process of developing a web application or website.

Ruby on Rails programmer do not depend on a single mind-blowing feature which was invented with it to make it an efficient framework, rather it uses a package of features which enables the Ruby on Rails developers to be more productive.


Metaprogramming is a technique adopted by Ruby on Rails which uses program to write other programs. Developers using other technologies use the extensive code generation techniques which will give productivity boost but nothing much in the later process and even when the Ruby on Rails developer wants to add a module in the script it should be carefully done. But these techniques are replaced in the metaprogramming technique in Ruby on Rails development.

Active Record 

Ruby on Rails programmers use the Active Record framework, it utilizes a database to save objects. Active Record enables the Ruby on Rails developers to automatically attach the columns in a database schema to the objects in the database using Metaprogramming. This is a very simple, elegant and powerful method for wrapping the databases used by a Ruby on Rails developer.

Convention over Configuration

Unlike other development technologies which make the developers to write pages of configuration code, Ruby on Rails helps its developers from skipping this step. Ruby on Rails programmers are not forced to write thousands of lines of codes for just the configuration part of the project apart from the development side of the project. By following similar conventions in a set of Java frameworks these Ruby on Rails programmers can reduce the number of lines of code needed for the total configuration.

Scaffolding Automation

Scaffolding is done by all developers using any technology from all over the world. While testing the project with the basic temporary code written by the Ruby on Rails developers don’t have the necessity to implement it individually, Rails automatically creates these scaffolding codes for the Ruby on Rails programmers to use.

These are some of the tools which make the Ruby on Rails development technology an enhanced one for the Ruby on Rails programmers. It also makes the task of development almost effortless for them.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Mobile Game Development

Mobile game development has been a consistently developing field for almost half a decade now. With growing number of mobile platforms and their capacities, games have become an integral part of a mobile device.

Regardless of a phone’s sophistication, appearance etc the most common feature every device provides its user is a platform for games. During the process of Game Development the mobile game developer should be aware of both the technical as well as the non-technical aspects. The team that is developing the application can decide on the type, graphical specs and other aspects according to the model of the mobile. The techniques used for building and strategies used for designing also changes accordingly.

The market for gaming using the mobile platform has grown broadly in the recent years. Games which are not present in the device by default can be downloaded from using packet data connection. Games are primarily developed to generate revenue with the number of downloads that are made. And this is one of the main reasons for inbuilt games are not taken into consideration.

The most important aspects of developing a game is the entire game plot and the game play involved. The most innovative projects are the ones which get the most number of users and more downloads. With touch screen devices abundantly available it has become easier for users to play even complex games in their phones. As developing is a very expensive process companies have started using offshore development centers too. 

Beginners interested in developing games for mobile platforms can start by learning Objective C and Xcode tools first. Only after knowing these basics the next step of developing a mobile game project can be done. There are more complexities in developing a project for the mobile than there were a couple of years back. iPhone game Developers can integrate GPS, and such modules in the application. Media files can also be coupled with the applications in the form of audio, video, text, images etc.

With the widespread users of games using the mobile platform it is estimated that the already booming profits will reach $11 Billion in 2014. This stat makes it obvious that the growing field of game development will reach a point where the profits are enormous. The number of users of mobile game development has increased threefold just in the past couple of years. The major mobile device companies for which games are being developed are Apple, Samsung, Nokia, and Blackberry. There are many platforms which are being used by these companies and for each platform applications have to be developed natively.

Apart from segregating these games according to the platform users tend to browse through categories too. Games are categorized in various genres namely Action, War, Strategy, Sports etc. Thus companies these days test their games and applications with seasoned professional gamers and amateur users to have an overall feedback to market their product in a better way. These are the basic steps involved in developing a mobile game for the market today.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Drupal Facilitates its Developers with Augmented Techniques

The way Drupal has enhanced itself since it was developed as an open source content management system. Drupal developers have been constantly adding various features to it to enhance the experience of programming for the Drupal programmers. It has extensively become user friendly and easier for the Drupal developers to manage and develop content. Following are the various administrative utilities which every Drupal developer can use.

Administrative functions have become more automated by the Drupal developers which enables the administrator to handle surfers during the visits to the sites. Implementing Drupal services have proven to simplify the tasks of administrators and Drupal developers to manage the content in their websites. Drupal developers provide impendence to the administrator in such a way that they can handle and edit the website’s content even if the administrator is not technically proficient and without any external technical supervision.

Many companies are utilizing this easy way of letting Drupal programmers develop websites for them which in turn helps in marketing their companies to a large extent. Drupal developers can easily build such sites which are user-friendly and interactive using the Drupal technology.

Managing Media Using Drupal

Drupal developers use the technology efficiently to organize media related content in a website in versatile ways. If a Drupal developer builds various websites with media content in a similar way then there is a possibility that the developer might build projects in a monotonous way which makes the websites boring. One very important aspect each and every Drupal programmer has to keep in mind is that every project they work should be innovative and charming. Extendable modules in Drupal enable the provision for Drupal developers to manage content such as image, video, music etc. And these objects need not be provided by the Drupal developers themselves, these can be provided to the site by third party providers and the extended modules support them too.

 Globalization of Drupal Trends

Drupal developers find the globalization and internationalization of the Drupal technology to be highly efficacious and influencing. This trend helps the Drupal developers to become a community and share their resources efficiently.

Community Sites’ Flexibility

One amongst the significant features of Drupal development is that it is extremely flexible and it can be molded in any way by a Drupal programmer to suit the website’s usage. This is evident when Drupal is used to manage content in websites where the content is provided instantaneously by the audience. Here the stories are sorted in the website according to the number of votes and every time a new post gets updated it comes up the queue with its increasing number of votes. If a post gets too many negative feedbacks then the Drupal developers can condition accordingly in such a way that it gets pushed back.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Joomla’s Enhanced Experience of Joomla Developers

Joomla is an open source content management system with which a Joomla developer can develop websites for their clients and also web applications. As Joomla provides its developers with extensible add-ons which can be installed easily whenever a Joomla developer needs one. There are various advantages in Joomla development because of which the developers opt for it than other technologies.

Joomla content management system has the complete control over the way the content is presented in a website and this can be altered by the Joomla programmers at any point of time. There are various tools and components present in the Joomla system which reduces the effort of Joomla programmers, it also comprises of templates which can be used by them.

The templates available by default are just basic skeletons which can be used by Joomla developers to build on. The designs which they have visualized for their site can be developed on these already available templates which reduce the work of Joomla programmers as building from scratch is not necessary.

Joomla CMS also enables Joomla programmers to view both the content and presentation individually, this helps them to analyze their design more clearly and in case of bugs and errors the time taken for identifying them reduces drastically.

These days a Joomla developer has to concentrate more so that the website developed is as dynamic as its competitors if not better than them. The need for dynamic website has increased rapidly in the past decades as hundreds of new websites are being built every day by various developers using various technologies.

Utilization of cascading style sheet enables Joomla developers to build sites with minimal use of tables. This is very helpful for the Joomla programmers to validate the code in an easier way. These are the advantages of Joomla CMS which makes Joomla developers use it extensively.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Efficient Extensions for PHP Developers

One of the most widely used open source server side coding languages used today is PHP. Major website such as Facebook, Digg, WordPress etc use this technology as it has been a wide spread one with over 20 million indexed domains. One of the main aspects which makes PHP a much sought after technology are the various extensions available for a PHP programmer to choose from.

PHP developers build faster using the technology and it is the most preferred language for scripting practically. The documentation it consists is detailed; it has a very broad community for PHP programmers to interact for help and development, PHP developers can access the numerous lines of already present scripts which are ready to use. More than all these aspects it is very simple and effortless for even PHP developers beginning to start using the technology to develop sites using it.

About PHP Tools

One of the tools implemented by DCKAP and its team of PHP programmers is Xdebug. It is one of the most widely used debugging extensions used by PHP programmers to find bugs in their source code. Provision of numerous data for PHP developers helps them find bugs in their source code. Almost all popular PHP applications accept to plug in Xdebug. Some such applications are PHPEclipse and PHPDesigner.

PHP developers use a tool called Gubed PHP Debugger which is an extension to the PHP platform. The main function of this extension is to locate and identify exclusively the logical errors present in the code written by the PHP developers. For remote and local PHP debugging, PHP developers use an extension called DBG which is a very robust extension for PHP development.

PHP_Debug is an open source extension which enables PHP developers to get necessary details about their PHP code which helps them in various ways to debug the errors in the code. This extension efficiently analyzes the performance of the code written, displays a graphical representation of variable dumps in the code. If the PHP programmers need more than one graphical output than the one provided by print_r() then this is the best extension the PHP developers can avail.

One other highly efficient debugging tool which is present in the form of an open source extension is the PHP_Dyn extension. PHPdeveloper, by using this extension, can trace the process of execution of the code they have written. By doing this the PHP developers can also return the values back to the functions by getting the output of the arguments.

Tool for Mac OS

There is another extension also available exclusively for PHP programmers building PHP projects using the MAC Platform as their Operating System. This extension is called MacGDBp which is a live application for PHP. All features expected by a PHP programmer can be found in this extension but the only drawback is that it is exclusively for Mac OS. This extension searches every line of the whole block of code, which might even be of a thousand or more lines; it also sets break points in the code to split it into modules for further testing to be done in a more efficient way.

With all these efficient tools it becomes an almost effortless task for the PHP programmer to develop a site for their clients when compared with other technologies used by other programmers.