Friday, 31 August 2012

Various Factors Enhancing Ruby on Rails Development

Ruby on Rails programmers have been claiming that it is one of the most important technologies that have been introduced in the past decade as an open source web development framework. The following points elaborate on the advantages of using Ruby on Rails.

One of the most important advantages of Ruby on Rails is that the Ruby on Rails developers need not use the extensive libraries which need to be used when the developer develop the same project in a different technology. This is mainly due to the fact that Ruby on Rails uses the self-provided entities during the process of developing a web application or website.

Ruby on Rails programmer do not depend on a single mind-blowing feature which was invented with it to make it an efficient framework, rather it uses a package of features which enables the Ruby on Rails developers to be more productive.


Metaprogramming is a technique adopted by Ruby on Rails which uses program to write other programs. Developers using other technologies use the extensive code generation techniques which will give productivity boost but nothing much in the later process and even when the Ruby on Rails developer wants to add a module in the script it should be carefully done. But these techniques are replaced in the metaprogramming technique in Ruby on Rails development.

Active Record 

Ruby on Rails programmers use the Active Record framework, it utilizes a database to save objects. Active Record enables the Ruby on Rails developers to automatically attach the columns in a database schema to the objects in the database using Metaprogramming. This is a very simple, elegant and powerful method for wrapping the databases used by a Ruby on Rails developer.

Convention over Configuration

Unlike other development technologies which make the developers to write pages of configuration code, Ruby on Rails helps its developers from skipping this step. Ruby on Rails programmers are not forced to write thousands of lines of codes for just the configuration part of the project apart from the development side of the project. By following similar conventions in a set of Java frameworks these Ruby on Rails programmers can reduce the number of lines of code needed for the total configuration.

Scaffolding Automation

Scaffolding is done by all developers using any technology from all over the world. While testing the project with the basic temporary code written by the Ruby on Rails developers don’t have the necessity to implement it individually, Rails automatically creates these scaffolding codes for the Ruby on Rails programmers to use.

These are some of the tools which make the Ruby on Rails development technology an enhanced one for the Ruby on Rails programmers. It also makes the task of development almost effortless for them.


Ruby on Rails competes with other programming languages in the Web like Python, Java, and PHP etc but ultimately Ruby on Rails has been the leader because of its various advanced and powerful features.

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