Wednesday, 17 October 2012

iPhone App Developers Excited with New Specifications

With the release of iPhone 5’s specifications, the iPhone app developers are highly curious to know about the intricate details which will help them get ready with their lock, stock and barrels to develop applications for the next generation smart phone.

DCKAP has been a fine contender in the market for developing iPhone 5 applications and team of iPhone app programmers has been constantly updating itself to get ready for the new much awaited device. The specifications discussed by Apple earlier this month have given a glimpse of the internal workings of the phone which look sophisticated and exciting.

Technical pundits have started praising the phone and it is expected to revolutionize the way smart phones are being used, yet again. Every iPhone app developer has eyed the new longer screen which marks at 4 inches in length and the phone’s new faster processor. 

Another set of reviewers tested the battery life of the phone and have come with test results which indicate the battery to stay alive for 14 hours without charging again. As the customer response has been tremendously better than the last iPhone, which itself was huge, Apple has announced that it will take almost a month before every one out of the 2 million pre-ordered customers to have the phone in their hand.

Though most of the software related entities have remained the same except for a few version upgrades, the size of the phone itself has changed. This in turn changes the resolution of the screen. Now every iPhone app programmer has become cautious about developing their applications as they will not be able to use their old sources into their new versions without any changes.

Though this seems to be a bit of trouble this was not completely unexpected which makes it as exciting as it is perplexing.


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