Thursday, 20 December 2012

Android Paces Itself Efficiently in the Race to No1

Android is a one of the leading platforms which have been preferred by users from various parts of the world. Mobiles powered by Android are matching up and doing better than phones such as Blackberry, iPhone, Nokia etc.

The number of smart phones which are using Android as their operating system has increased to millions in the past few years. And with that number increasing every minute the demand for Android app developers has also increased. There are millions of applications available for Android which is being used for various tasks by different types of audiences. And each and every Android app developer is trying to develop applications which can reach and appeal to that sect of audience he/she is targeting.

There are both free applications and paid applications in Android and these two markets differ immensely and the audience each type reaches out to is also miles apart. Any application which is available in Google store or any other site can be downloaded at any point of time. Paying options differ from one site to another and sometimes depending on the application’s author. Programmers have started selling their applications and have started making profits which change an independent Android app programmer into a company which spins millions of dollars every year. The scope for this industry has widened immensely in the past couple of years, especially after the instant hit of certain applications such as Whatsapp and games such as angry birds etc.

If any developer wants to develop an application for Android the simplest way to learn is by utilizing the various tutorials which are available online. Android application development is not just a process of developing applications for the platform. Android app programmers have been building software and tools for debugging, developing and testing other applications too. Apart from this the knowledge of understanding the current situation of the market and the trend is very important. Developing an out dated application is just a waste of time, money and resources. The distribution and marketing of the application is done according to the audience it is made for and according to their preferences.

Features such as Widgets, Home Launchers which can be custom chosen, Automation, an Alternate Keyboard, Wireless application installation and more such are the main reasons supporting Android to take over the smart phone market almost as a winner. Blackberry and iPhone were the initial competitors for Android but the deceleration of application development for the RIM platform slowed the development of Blackberry. iPhone is still a strong competitor which keeps Android on its toes. With the release of the new and improved iPhone 5, the competition has sped up. But the advanced options of Android are indeed keeping it in par with the iOS platform and the race is definitely not over yet.


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